Revolutionise Your Salesforce Org Strategy: Remediate Existing or Start New?

Salesforce Org Strategy

When it comes to Salesforce org, accumulating tech debt is inevitable. enterprises often hit a strategic crossroads: whether to remediate an existing org or to start fresh with a new one. This pivotal decision can significantly impact a business’s trajectory, efficiency, and future adaptability. But how can one choose wisely?

To navigate this choice effectively and address technical debt, explore our blog on Salesforce Org Strategy: Remediate Existing vs. Start New.

The Crossroads

In the fast-evolving business landscape, Salesforce stands as a beacon of innovation and agility. However, the true potential of Salesforce org migration can be underutilised when organisational processes become fragmented, and legacy codes linger unoptimised.

As businesses navigate through changes in their models, growth scales, and advancements in Salesforce itself can lead to accumulated technical debt.

Technical Debt – The Hidden Culprit

Aged Apex code, not refactored to leverage the latest Salesforce framework updates, can become a liability. Validation rules that no longer align with updated business processes can trigger unnecessary complications. When the technical framework doesn’t evolve alongside the business, it can lead to:

Over time, change may be necessary as a result of growing user frustration with constraints brought on by out-of-date integrations or customisations.

The question then arises: Should you remediate what you have, or is it time to start anew?

Salesforce Org Considerations – Remediate vs. New

Salesforce Org Considerations – Remediate vs. New

Remediate Existing Org

Remediation involves addressing the existing issues within your current Salesforce org, streamlining processes, and enhancing functionality without starting from scratch.



Start New Org

Starting with a new Salesforce implementation org allows businesses to implement a system that’s designed to meet current business models and processes without the baggage of past limitations.



Making the Decision

1.Business Direction

Assess if your current org supports the strategic direction and growth of your business. Has there been a pivot in business models or significant market changes?

2. Technical Debt

Evaluate the level of technical debt. How much of the existing setup is outdated or redundant?

3. User Experience

Consider the current user experience. Is Salesforce service cloud implementation seen as an enabler or a hindrance to daily operations?

4. Data Quality

Analyse the quality of your data. High volumes of inaccurate or duplicate data can skew business decisions.

5. Governance and Integration

Examine governance processes and integrations. Poor governance can lead to a chaotic Salesforce environment, while complex integrations may influence the direction of your strategy.

Framework for Consideration

The Salesforce Org Considerations Framework, along with the insights from this initiative, is aimed to provide a directional guide, helping to balance the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Generating a detailed estimate of time and cost, as well as drafting an implementation for salesforce org strategy, falls beyond the scope of this activity.

Final Thoughts

Whether you choose to remediate or start anew, the process requires thorough planning and analysis. It’s a decision that should not be taken lightly as it holds implications for operational continuity, user adoption, and financial investment. Engage with stakeholders, and Salesforce service cloud experts, and consider the long-term impact on your business. The choice between remediation and starting fresh with a CRM implementation services can redefine your path to achieving a future-proof, efficient, and agile business environment.

Decision-making at such a junction is not just about technology – it’s about aligning your digital infrastructure with your business vision. Take a step back, consider the big picture, and let your strategic business goals guide you through this transformative journey.

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